Give 100% effort to reach your goals.

The Ultimate Fat Loss Blueprint Course will teach you how to lose fat and keep it off by creating healthy lifestyle habits. I don't teach quick fixes and sexy hacks that won't work. Instead, you will have a long term solution to living your healthiest life upon completion of my course.

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No more "diet" mindset

Are you stuck in a dieting mindset?

When you’re in a diet mindset, you’re more focused on rules around eating, restriction, and more exercise. I will clear up all of the confusion and simplify what REALLY matters for long term success.

A diet mindset often leads to food guilt, self-sabotage, and even anxiety. You rely more on rules about what you should and shouldn’t eat instead of what will get you results.

This then becomes a cycle of dieting, overeating, guilt and feeling out of control when it comes to food and portion sizes. The good news is you can get rid of the fad diet mindset cycle and be equipped with the tools and education you need to build sustainable and healthy habits! It takes a big shift in mindset to break this cycle, but it is possible.

What will you learn from my course?

Learn how to lose fat and keep it off forever. The best part is you can do this at your own pace and have the knowledge to start losing fat when you are ready. By practicing the basics that I teach you in the Ultimate Fat Loss Blueprint you will learn how to lose fat and keep it off by creating healthy lifestyle habits. I have been coaching clients for over 15 years. I know what works and what doesn't. Get started learning the long term solution to living your healthiest, best life. 

Who is it for?

  • Someone who wakes up every day wishing you felt more comfortable in your body.
  • Someone who thinks that if “I could just lose this last 10 lbs I’d be good!”
  • Someone who wants to feel confident and happy, but can’t figure out the missing piece.
  • Someone who wants to truly live a healthy lifestyle, with ease.
  • Someone who is tired of losing and gaining the same 10lbs over and over again.
  • Someone who is confused about what to eat, when to eat, to fast or not to fast.

Who is it not for?

  • Someone looking for a meal plan or quick fix — this is 100% about long term success.
  • Someone who won’t make the time to put in the work now for long term success.
  • Someone who is not committed to making lifestyle changes or has unrealistic expectations about fat loss.
  • Someone who has medical conditions that may be adversely affected by fat loss or changes in diet and exercise.
  • Someone who is not willing to make lifestyle changes.

What Others Say About Me

Debbie M.

I reached out to Jenny about 3 years ago because I felt stuck and lost on where to go with my fitness and my diet. I grew up doing hours of cardio and my thinking on diet was to not exceed x amount of calories. Jenny coached and educated me on how to fuel my body and increased my calories with making progress and gaining energy through it. Thank you Jenny for getting me unstuck.

Ty D.

Thank you for helping me start my journey in this new lifestyle. Losing weight and putting on muscle was the single best decision and challenge I’ve ever taken. The self-confidence I carry is priceless. You helped me with that in a big way. Appreciate you Jenny!

Penni S.

Before started working with Jenny, I spent 45 minutes per day seven days a week on a cardio machine. Jenny has taught me how to have a great relationship with food without restrictions. She has also taught me to balance cardio, strength training, and rest in order to see positive changes in my body. I feel and look better in my 40’s than I did in my 30’s

Stevy F.

I’ve been working with Jenny for a few years and it has been life changing ... literally. She’s trustworthy, she KNOWS what she’s doing and she’s such a great coach!

Bradd B.

Can’t tell you how much you’ve helped me physically and even more importantly, mentally. I am excited to keep this going.

Aimee S.

Almost 2 years before I started with you, I hated this body even though it was capable. I have so much more self-love now. Thank you!!!

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Sustained Fat Loss

There are several tools you can use for sustainable fat loss phase. Here are some tips from the Ultimate Fat Loss Blueprint that you can follow:

  • Add a serving or two of whole foods to keep you satisfied, add fiber to your diet and decrease your hunger.
  • Lead each meal with a protein source. I share lots of protein tips to help you.
  • Forget the all or nothing mindset. I won't make you restrict any foods. 

You will have all of the necessary tools in order to have long term success. 

I am Jenny Hernandez 

Founder of Jenny Fit

I am Jenny Hernandez, founder of Jenny Fit. I have helped thousands of clients over the last 15 years achieve their fat loss goals without restricting foods or doing hours of cardio. My own health/fitness journey has had both highs and lows. I created the Ultimate Fat Loss Blueprint Course to provide the education for you that I wish I had years ago. My personal experiences combined with my education, a Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Science, Certified Nutritionist and Certified Personal Trainer have put me in a position to help set others up for success when working towards fat loss.

Optimal Health

Optimal health is a blend of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health. Lifestyle
change hard to stick to, but it is the first step for you to lose the fat and keep it off. I cover a full section on changing and creating habits to give you the tools you need for success. Optimal health doesn't happen overnight and it definitely doesn't mean restriction or exhaustion. I can't wait to teach you how to achieve optimal health once and for all!

Start feeling your best mentally and physically.

Fat Loss Course

You can change without improving, but you can't improve without changing.

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